Origin Of Life - the probability of making a protein
Due to the number of comments that have been rude or off topic I am requesting some guidelines be followed. 1) If your comment includes insults, this includes misspelling peoples names such as Dorkins for Dawkins or the like, I will delete these comments. Just because we disagree with someone doesn't mean we should show disrespect. I wan't this forum to be for peace-minded people to be able to scientifically discuss things without getting heated or insulting. 2)Please advance the conversation. If you make a claim, back it up with an example, reference, or some other type of evidence. It can be deductive reasoning but at least present something for others to consider and not just an opinion. For example, don't say "Evolutionists have no leg to stand on," or, "Creationists really need to stop believing in fairy tales." Instead, present your arguments like this, "Evolutionists say evolution isn't random and credits Natural Selection as the potter to the clay. But that doesn't explain how the organism got there in the first place because Natural selection can only select from things that are already existing. So in order to have Natural Selection, you must first have something to select. Where did that something come from?" This presents an argument based on deductive reasoning. Another argument could be like this, "RNA World hypothesis is no longer believed to be the first self-replicating macromolecule due to the complexity of RNA backbone binding and other issues that make this infeasible. Due to these known issues, scientists have concluded there must have been something simpler that came first." - see A Pre-RNA World Probably Predates the RNA World - https://ift.tt/2ihXEir and https://ift.tt/2LKu1Uf That example provides references. What not to do: Don't make blanket statements without supporting evidence such as, "The fossil record shows transitions between the species," and then give no reference to back up that statement. Instead, give specific examples.
via YouTube https://youtu.be/cQoQgTqj3pU
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