Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Annemarie Scheepers...
Liked on YouTube: Paul using the WRATH of GOD as explanation that ETERNAL LIFE is only by GRACE
Rom 1:18-32
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Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Liked on YouTube: Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter
Recorded on June 6, 2019 in Italy. Based on new evidence and knowledge that functioning proteins are extremely rare, should Darwin’s theory of evolution be dismissed, dissected, developed or replaced with a theory of intelligent design? Has Darwinism really failed? Peter Robinson discusses it with David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer, who have raised doubts about Darwin’s theory in their two books and essay, respectively The Deniable Darwin, Darwin’s Doubt, and “Giving Up Darwin” (published in the Claremont Review of Books). Robinson asks them to convince him that the term “species” has not been defined by the authors to Darwin’s disadvantage. Gelernter replies to this and explains, as he expressed in his essay, that he sees Darwin’s theory as beautiful (which made it difficult for him to give it up): “Beauty is often a telltale sign of truth. Beauty is our guide to the intellectual universe—walking beside us through the uncharted wilderness, pointing us in the right direction, keeping us on track—most of the time.” Gelernter notes that there’s no reason to doubt that Darwin successfully explained the small adjustments by which an organism adapts to local circumstances: changes to fur density or wing style or beak shape. Yet there are many reasons to doubt whether Darwin can answer the hard questions and explain the big picture—not the fine-tuning of existing species but the emergence of new ones. Meyer explains Darwinism as a comprehensive synthesis, which gained popularity for its appeal. Meyer also mentions that one cannot disregard that Darwin’s book was based on the facts present in the 19th century. Robinson then asks the panel whether Darwin’s theory of gradual evolution is contradicted by the explosion of fossil records in the Cambrian period, when there was a sudden occurrence of many species over the span of approximately seventy million years (Meyer’s noted that the date range for the Cambrian period is actually narrowing). Meyer replies that even population genetics, the mathematical branch of Darwinian theory, has not been able to support the explosion of fossil records during the Cambrian period, biologically or geologically. Robinson than asks about Darwin’s main problem, molecular biology, to which Meyer explains, comparing it to digital world, that building a new biological function is similar to building a new code, which Darwin could not understand in his era. Berlinski does not second this and states that the cell represents very complex machinery, with complexities increasing over time, which is difficult to explain by a theory. Gelernter throws light on this by giving an example of a necklace on which the positioning of different beads can lead to different permutations and combinations; it is really tough to choose the best possible combination, more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. He seconds Meyer’s statement that it was impossible for Darwin to understand that in his era, since the math is easy but he did not have the facts. Meyer further explains how difficult it is to know what a protein can do to a cell, the vast combinations it can produce, and how rare is the possibility of finding a functional protein. He then talks about the formation of brand-new organisms, for which mutation must affect genes early in the life form’s development in order to control the expression of other genes as the organism grows. “Intelligent design” is something only Meyer agrees with, but Berlinski replies that as a scientific approach, one can agree or disagree with it, but should not reject it. Meyer talks about the major discovery in the 1950s and ’60s concerning the DNA molecule, which encodes information in a somewhat digital format, providing researchers with the opportunity to trace the information back to its source. Gelernter argues that if there was/is an intelligent designer then why is the design not the most efficient, rather than prone to all sorts of problems, including the mental and emotional. Robinson quotes Gelernter: “Darwinism is no longer just a scientific theory but a basis of a worldview, and an emergency . . . religion for the many troubled souls who need one.” Gelernter further adds that it’s a fantastically challenging problem that Darwin chose to address. How difficult will it be for scientists to move on from Darwin’s theory of evolution? Will each scientist need to examine the evidence for his or herself? These are some of most important questions facing science in the 21st century. For further information: Interested in exclusive Uncommon Knowledge content? Check out Uncommon Knowledge on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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Monday, 29 July 2019
Liked on YouTube: Evolution of Worship Music - A Cappella Medley
A cappella medley filled with songs still in use today, but with connections to almost 1500 years of Christian worship. It's all crammed into 7.5 minutes, so strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride! Support me on Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: @davidwesleymusic Twitter: @singdavidwesley E-mail List: Spotify: SONG LIST! c. 560 (Original Old Irish poem) – Be Thou My Vision (Dallan Forgaill) 1225 (original poem) All Creatures of Our God and King (St. Francis of Assisi) 1529 – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Martin Luther) 1668 – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander) 1779 – Amazing Grace (John Newton, Edwin Excell) 1863 – The Solid Rock (Edward Mote / William Bradbury) 1922 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Helen Lemmel) 1939 – Victory in Jesus (E.M. Bartlett) 1952 – Burdens are Lifted at Calvary (John M. Moore) 1969 – Pass It On (Kurt Kaiser) 1978 – Soon and Very Soon (Andraé Crouch) 1988 – Awesome God (Rich Mullins) 1993 – Shout to the Lord (Darlene Zschech) 1998 – Trading My Sorrows (Darrell Evans) 2000 – God of Wonders (Marc Byrd & Steve Hindalong) 2004 – Revelation Song (Jennie Lee Riddle) 2010 – One Thing Remains (Brian Johnson, Christa Black, Jeremy Riddle) 2012 – Oceans (Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm) 2014 – Good Good Father (Anthony Brown, Pat Barrett) 2015 – Lion and the Lamb (Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, Leeland Mooring) 2017 – Do It Again (Chris Brown, Mack Brock, Matt Redman, Steven Furtick)
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Saturday, 27 July 2019
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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Friday, 26 July 2019
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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Wednesday, 24 July 2019
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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By WildreScheepers
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Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Sunday, 21 July 2019
Friday, 19 July 2019
Vader, ek pleit die bloed van Jesus oor elkeen van my kinders asook die kinders van my geliefdes en elke kind in ons dorp se skole! In Jesus naam maak ek elke deur toe waar die vyand n reg op ons kinders het agv ons of ons ouers se sondes. In Jesus naam neem ons die grondgebied terug wat die vyand by ons kom steel het... Dankie dat ek as ouer in Outoriteit kan opstaan as n kind van U en kan se: My huis behoort aan Jesus Christus Seun van God! Satan jy het GEEN reg op hierdie grondgebied!! In Jesus naam sal jy GAAN na waar Jesus jou stuur! Ons behoort aan Jesus! Ek kanselleer elke opdrag van die vyand wat gerig is om my of my gesin skade te doen in Jesus naam!!! Dankie Jesus vir die prys wat U vir ons aan die kruis betaal het. Dankie dat ons vrede kan vind by U. Dankie dat ons kan weet, by U is ons veilig! Seen elkeen wat met ons kinders werk bedags met n ekstra sensitiewe Gees! Stuur U Warrior engele en seel die uithoeke en deurposte van ons dorp / stad, elke skool en elke huis in dit af met U wakende engele!!! In Jesus naam vra ons dit. Amen!!!
Vader, ek pleit die bloed van Jesus oor elkeen van my kinders asook die kinders van my geliefdes en elke kind in ons dorp se skole! In Jesus naam maak ek elke deur toe waar die vyand n reg op ons kinders het agv ons of ons ouers se sondes. In Jesus naam neem ons die grondgebied terug wat die vyand by ons kom steel het... Dankie dat ek as ouer in Outoriteit kan opstaan as n kind van U en kan se: My huis behoort aan Jesus Christus Seun van God! Satan jy het GEEN reg op hierdie grondgebied!! In Jesus naam sal jy GAAN na waar Jesus jou stuur! Ons behoort aan Jesus! Ek kanselleer elke opdrag van die vyand wat gerig is om my of my gesin skade te doen in Jesus naam!!! Dankie Jesus vir die prys wat U vir ons aan die kruis betaal het. Dankie dat ons vrede kan vind by U. Dankie dat ons kan weet, by U is ons veilig! Seen elkeen wat met ons kinders werk bedags met n ekstra sensitiewe Gees! Stuur U Warrior engele en seel die uithoeke en deurposte van ons dorp / stad, elke skool en elke huis in dit af met U wakende engele!!! In Jesus naam vra ons dit. Amen!!!
by Wildre Scheepers
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More more! VERTROU NET OP GOD! Vandag wil ek jou bemoedig met die woorde; "VERTROU OP GOD" God alleen weet wat vir jou voorlê. Hy alleen weet hoe jy efektief daarvoor kan voorberei en hoe om jou daarteen te beskerm. Bly net op God vertrou en jy sal gewis Sy redende Hand wonderbaarlik sien ingryp, elke keer! Ps91v1-2 Hy wat woon in die skuilplek van die Allerhoogste ,sal rus in die skadu van die Almagtige. Ek sal vir die Here sê: U is my toevlug en my vesting,my God op wie ek vertrou. HALULUJA! Amen! Geseend is jy!
by Wildre Scheepers
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More more! VERTROU NET OP GOD! Vandag wil ek jou bemoedig met die woorde; "VERTROU OP GOD" God alleen weet wat vir jou voorlê. Hy alleen weet hoe jy efektief daarvoor kan voorberei en hoe om jou daarteen te beskerm. Bly net op God vertrou en jy sal gewis Sy redende Hand wonderbaarlik sien ingryp, elke keer! Ps91v1-2 Hy wat woon in die skuilplek van die Allerhoogste ,sal rus in die skadu van die Almagtige. Ek sal vir die Here sê: U is my toevlug en my vesting,my God op wie ek vertrou. HALULUJA! Amen! Geseend is jy!
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Sleep: It is non addictive and you can still "get away from it all"
Sleep: It is non addictive and you can still "get away from it all"
Calling to get a message across quickly, but important messages goes as texts or emails.
Calling to get a message across quickly, but important messages goes as texts or emails.
The dark and of heights/depths. Actually still have that fear but just manage it better.
The dark and of heights/depths. Actually still have that fear but just manage it better.
a River, Lake or Dam.
Yes, but do we always listen??...
Rum & Raisin
Monday, 15 July 2019
I pray and encourage you today to delight yourself in the LORD for HE will grant you the desires of your heart. I pray and encourage you today to acknowledge GOD in all of your ways for HE will direct your path, in JESUS Name. I pray for divine wisdom and understanding to rest upon you and for peace and joy to dwell in your heart and mind, in the Name of JESUS. I pray and encourage you to remember that GOD is your refuge and strength and HE IS a very present help to you at all times so look to HIM, call on HIM, depend on HIM and wait on HIS perfect timing to make a way for you, in JESUS Righteous, Holy and Awesome Name I pray. Amen, Amen and Amen
I pray and encourage you today to delight yourself in the LORD for HE will grant you the desires of your heart. I pray and encourage you today to acknowledge GOD in all of your ways for HE will direct your path, in JESUS Name. I pray for divine wisdom and understanding to rest upon you and for peace and joy to dwell in your heart and mind, in the Name of JESUS. I pray and encourage you to remember that GOD is your refuge and strength and HE IS a very present help to you at all times so look to HIM, call on HIM, depend on HIM and wait on HIS perfect timing to make a way for you, in JESUS Righteous, Holy and Awesome Name I pray. Amen, Amen and Amen
by Wildre Scheepers
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Sunday, 14 July 2019
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By WildreScheepers
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Saturday, 13 July 2019
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Friday, 12 July 2019
Thursday, 11 July 2019
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Wednesday, 10 July 2019
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Monday, 8 July 2019
Liked on YouTube: Rapid Transit Service Video (1:55)
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RT @SPURGEONdotUS: All human books grow stale after a time; but with the Word of God the desire to study it increases, while the more you know of it the less you think you know.
All human books grow stale after a time; but with the Word of God the desire to study it increases, while the more you know of it the less you think you know.
— SPURGEON (@SPURGEONdotUS) July 7, 2019
from Twitter
July 08, 2019 at 08:17AM
RT @ArefMashaliUK: Holy God, Holy Father, Holy King of the ages, I praise you for the wonderful gift of your grace. I know that in comparison to your glory. Thank you for this incredible gift so that I may worship you as I should! In Jesus' name I praise you. Amen.
Holy God, Holy Father, Holy King of the ages, I praise you for the wonderful gift of your grace. I know that in comparison to your glory. Thank you for this incredible gift so that I may worship you as I should! In Jesus' name I praise you. Amen.
— Aref Mashali (@ArefMashaliUK) July 7, 2019
from Twitter
July 08, 2019 at 08:17AM
RT @livingforjc: A Christ centered marriage is worth the wait.
A Christ centered marriage is worth the wait.
— Kristin (@livingforjc) July 6, 2019
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July 08, 2019 at 08:16AM
RT @geshepjr: If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
— George Shepherd (@geshepjr) July 7, 2019
1 John 4:20
from Twitter
July 08, 2019 at 08:15AM
RT @_LoveLike_JESUS: . In the Bible there is NO Black or White Church, JESUS Did Not come to Save Skins but HE did come to Save Souls Can I get an “AMEN” ??? .
— Love Like JESUS (@_LoveLike_JESUS) July 7, 2019
In the Bible there is NO
Black or White Church,
Did Not come to Save Skins
HE did come to Save Souls
Can I get an “AMEN” ???
from Twitter
July 08, 2019 at 08:15AM
RT @jasontpowell: NO AMOUNT OF- networking ladder climbing brown nosing side-stepping self promoting ...can take you to the place that God has for you! Quit striving, start abiding Wait on God to raise you up! Psalm 75:7- it’s God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another
— Jason Powell (@jasontpowell) July 8, 2019
ladder climbing
brown nosing
self promoting
...can take you to the place that God has for you!
Quit striving, start abiding
Wait on God to raise you up!
Psalm 75:7- it’s God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another
from Twitter
July 08, 2019 at 08:12AM
Sunday, 7 July 2019
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By WildreScheepers
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Saturday, 6 July 2019
Liked on YouTube: 2000 years unsolved: Why is doubling cubes and squaring circles impossible?
Today's video is about the resolution of four problems that remained open for over 2000 years from when they were first puzzled over in ancient Greece: Is it possible, just using an ideal mathematical ruler and an ideal mathematical compass, to double cubes, trisect angles, construct regular heptagons, or to square circles? Towards the end of a pure maths degree students often have to survive a "boss" course on Galois theory and somewhere in this course they are presented with proofs that it is actually not possible to accomplish any of those four troublesome tasks. These proofs are easy consequences of the very general tools that are developed in Galois theory. However, taken in isolation, it is actually possible to present proofs that don't require much apart from a certain familiarity with simple proofs by contradiction of the type used to show that numbers like root 2 are irrational. I've been meaning to publish a nice exposition of these "simple" proofs ever since my own Galois theory days (a long, long time ago. Finally, today is the day :) For some more background reading I recommend: 1. chapter 3 of the book "What is mathematics?" by Courant and Robbins (in general this is a great book and a must read for anybody interested in beautiful maths). 2. The textbook "Field theory and its classical problems" by Hadlock (everything I talk about and much more, but you need a fairly strong background in maths for this one). Here is a great two-page summary by the mathematician Drew Armstrong of what is going on in this video Here is a derivation of the cubic polynomial for the regular heptagon construction by (I think) the mathematician Reinhard Schultz (there is a little typo towards the bottom of the page. It should be 8 cos^3 theta + 4 cos^2 theta - (!) 4 cos theta -1 = 0. Replace cos theta by x and you get the cubic equation I mention in the video. ) Here is an interesting paper that explores why Wantzel's results did not get recognised during his lifetime Thank you to Marty and Karl for your help with creating this video. And thank you to Cleon Teunissen for pointing out that the picture of Pierre Wantzel that I use in this video is actually not showing Pierre Wantzel but rather Gustave Gaspard de Coriolis who was also a mathematician and lived around the same time as Pierre Wantzel. It appears that whenever there does not exist an actual picture of some person Google and other internet gods simply declare some more or less random picture to be the real thing. See also this page by the SciFi writer Greg Egan whose made sure that no actual picture of himself is to be found on the internet: Enjoy! Burkard
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Liked on YouTube: The cheap Chinese bulb that won't turn off
The first 200 people to sign up at will get 20% off an annual subscription that gives you access to the full archive of Daily Challenges and every single course. Check out Mehdi's video over on ElectroBOOM here: These LED bulbs will continue to draw power from the mains indefinitely even once they're switched off and the circuit is broken. But how?! You can buy my books here: You can support me on Patreon here: just like these amazing people: Glenn Watson Peter Turner Joël van der Loo Matthew Cocke Mark Brouwer Deneb Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Buy nerdy maths things:
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Friday, 5 July 2019
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Thursday, 4 July 2019
Liked on YouTube: Origin Of Life - the probability of making a protein
Due to the number of comments that have been rude or off topic I am requesting some guidelines be followed. 1) If your comment includes insults, this includes misspelling peoples names such as Dorkins for Dawkins or the like, I will delete these comments. Just because we disagree with someone doesn't mean we should show disrespect. I wan't this forum to be for peace-minded people to be able to scientifically discuss things without getting heated or insulting. 2)Please advance the conversation. If you make a claim, back it up with an example, reference, or some other type of evidence. It can be deductive reasoning but at least present something for others to consider and not just an opinion. For example, don't say "Evolutionists have no leg to stand on," or, "Creationists really need to stop believing in fairy tales." Instead, present your arguments like this, "Evolutionists say evolution isn't random and credits Natural Selection as the potter to the clay. But that doesn't explain how the organism got there in the first place because Natural selection can only select from things that are already existing. So in order to have Natural Selection, you must first have something to select. Where did that something come from?" This presents an argument based on deductive reasoning. Another argument could be like this, "RNA World hypothesis is no longer believed to be the first self-replicating macromolecule due to the complexity of RNA backbone binding and other issues that make this infeasible. Due to these known issues, scientists have concluded there must have been something simpler that came first." - see A Pre-RNA World Probably Predates the RNA World - and That example provides references. What not to do: Don't make blanket statements without supporting evidence such as, "The fossil record shows transitions between the species," and then give no reference to back up that statement. Instead, give specific examples.
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Liked on YouTube: Evolution: Not A Chance! - Dr. David Menton
Popular scientist Dr. David Menton captivates viewers with fascinating illusions as he explains that evolution doesn't stand a chance when compared to the truth of science, and most importantly, God's Word. This celebrated instructor uses practical illustrations to demonstrate the "integrated complexity" that would be necessary for evolution to be true. His warm teaching style and enjoyable wit make this video fun to follow and easy to understand. In a respectful way, Menton demonstrates why it is true that a person must have a sizable amount of credulity in order to buy into the tale of evolution. And don't worry, it's okay to laugh as you learn!
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