Friday, 29 June 2018

Lets see how clever u are : A rich man needs_______. A poor man has_______. If u eat_______u will die and when u die u will take_______ with u! One word fits all 4 blank spaces! What's the answer ? Send this to all your contacts and see how clever they are but first answer me.

Lets see how clever u are : A rich man needs_______. A poor man has_______. If u eat_______u will die and when u die u will take_______ with u! One word fits all 4 blank spaces! What's the answer ? Send this to all your contacts and see how clever they are but first answer me.
by Wildre Scheepers

June 29, 2018 at 09:56AM
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Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Retweeted Uplifting Content (@UpliftingCont): "When you compare yourself to others, you miss the miracle of who you are." - Mastin Kipp

Retweeted Uplifting Content (@UpliftingCont): "When you compare yourself to others, you miss the miracle of who you are." - Mastin Kipp
by Wildre Scheepers

June 27, 2018 at 06:09PM
from Facebook
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Friday, 22 June 2018

Retweeted Armor Of God (@ArmorOGod): For whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. -Galatians 6:7

Retweeted Armor Of God (@ArmorOGod): For whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. -Galatians 6:7
by Wildre Scheepers

June 22, 2018 at 07:20PM
from Facebook
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Retweeted Samuel Deuth (@samueldeuth): If you’re not spending time in the Word of God you won’t be able to know and follow the will of God.

Retweeted Samuel Deuth (@samueldeuth): If you’re not spending time in the Word of God you won’t be able to know and follow the will of God.
by Wildre Scheepers

June 22, 2018 at 07:17PM
from Facebook
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Sunday, 17 June 2018

Retweeted Victoria Osteen (@VictoriaOsteen): Your inner circle friends should be people who celebrate who God made you to be! It’s not the quantity of friends, it’s the quality. Spend time with people who are helping you move forward in life!

Retweeted Victoria Osteen (@VictoriaOsteen): Your inner circle friends should be people who celebrate who God made you to be! It’s not the quantity of friends, it’s the quality. Spend time with people who are helping you move forward in life!
by Wildre Scheepers

June 17, 2018 at 09:51PM
from Facebook
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